Made the quadruped robot move forward /Raspberry pi pico /MS18

I’ve made a step forward from last time, now achieving a forward-moving action.

My 3D printer uses PLA material, which tends to slip on frictionless surfaces, but on other surfaces (like a soldering pad, as shown in the video), it moves forward smoothly.

When designing the movements, it’s necessary to translate each servo’s motion into angles, which can be quite a brain exercise. 

I wonder if using reinforcement learning could streamline this process. Maybe it would learn to move in more efficient ways than those a human might think of.


from machine import Pin, PWM
import time

SV_FREQ = 50.0 #Hz
MAX_DUTY = 65535.0 #uint16 max 
MIN_SV_PULSE = 0.5 #ms
MAX_SV_PULSE = 2.5 #ms

def get_pulse_width(angle):
    pulse_ms = MIN_SV_PULSE + (MAX_SV_PULSE - MIN_SV_PULSE)*angle/180.0
    x = (int)(MAX_DUTY * (pulse_ms*SV_FREQ/1000.0))
    return x

correction = [0, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, -10, -5]
temp_angle = [90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90]
servo = []
angle_i = [ 90,  90,  90,  90,  90,  90,  90,  90]# Initial position

angle = [ [ 60,  90,  90,  90,  90,  90,  60,  90],
          [ 60,  60,  90,  60,  90, 120,  60, 120],
          [ 90,  60, 120,  60, 120, 120,  90, 120],  
          [ 90,  90, 120,  90, 120,  90,  90,  90],
          [ 90, 120, 120, 120, 120,  60,  90,  60],
          [ 60, 120,  90, 120,  90,  60,  60,  60] ] 

servo.append(PWM(Pin(2))) #Front Right Leg
servo.append(PWM(Pin(3))) #Front Right Shoulder
servo.append(PWM(Pin(4))) #Front Left Leg
servo.append(PWM(Pin(5))) #Front Left Shoulder
servo.append(PWM(Pin(6))) #Rear Right Leg
servo.append(PWM(Pin(7))) #Rear Right Shoulder
servo.append(PWM(Pin(8))) #Rear Left Leg
servo.append(PWM(Pin(9))) #Rear Left Shoulder

snum = len(servo)

divide = 5 # Number of divisions between frames
div_counter = 0 # Counting divisions
key_frame = 0 # Current keyframe
next_key_frame = 1 # Next frame

# Move to initial position
for i in range(snum):
    servo[i].duty_u16(get_pulse_width(angle_i[i] + correction[i]))


while True:
    #Update keyframe
    div_counter += 1
    if div_counter >= divide:
        div_counter = 0
        key_frame = next_key_frame
        next_key_frame += 1
        if next_key_frame > 5:
            next_key_frame = 0 # Back to angle[0]
    #Degree calculation
    for i in range(snum):
        temp_angle[i] = angle[key_frame][i] + (angle[next_key_frame][i] - angle[key_frame][i])*div_counter/divide
        # Servo drive
    for i in range(snum):

Next, I’ll implement turning.

Once turning is possible, I plan to enable it to walk around with obstacle detection. Next, I’ll consider incorporating a distance sensor for detecting obstacles.

